
100 Days of Code Days 58-60- Custom Split View in Bear, macOS Toys


For me, the best way to find inspiration in my development is to download indie apps and play with them. I’m probably at some point going to write about Bear (free, $15/year for Pro), a great new notes app by Shiny Frog. It’s pixel perfect, a joy to use, and super speedy. My favorite UI element in Bear is the transition between the views. There is a parallax effect moving between the notes list, edi… [read more →]

100 Days of Code Days 42-57 And the Bear Flips Tables


Holy %^¡$! I missed 15 days of my 100 Days of Code Log. That’s no good. ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ ︵ ┻━┻. I did code every day. I promise. Here’s a quick rundown of the last two weeks: What Went Down Made my first pull request to a REAL project Learned how to use git in a larger project. Kept exploring RxSwift. Started exploring AppKit (macOS) Tried to write Cocoa code programmatically, did it, but gave up in the end. Split the blogs and… [read more →]

Soundsmitten to Split into Two Blogs


Things are a-changing at Soundsmitten for the holidays. If you are an RSS subscriber, you’ll need to make some adjustments. If you’re not, this is still major news. Soundsmitten is soon splitting into two blogs. The Devblog will hold much of the current Soundsmitten posts, while the main blog will contain idea-based content. In order to make the experience on the site more enjoyable and acc… [read more →]

100 Days of Code Days 34-42 Animations and Reactive Programming


It’s been a minute since I posted, but I’ve been coding every day, I promise! I’ll just blame this brief lapse in posting on the president-elect and get started! Taking the Magic out of Animations With any top-notch app, it’s a given that the developers have put in a lot of effort with animations. Each effect and transition is so well thought-out that it seems like insurmountable magic. I want to be able… [read more →]