100 Days of Code Days 34-42 Animations and Reactive Programming


It’s been a minute since I posted, but I’ve been coding every day, I promise! I’ll just blame this brief lapse in posting on the president-elect and get started!

Taking the Magic out of Animations

With any top-notch app, it’s a given that the developers have put in a lot of effort with animations. Each effect and transition is so well thought-out that it seems like insurmountable magic.

I want to be able to make great experiences, so I’ve resolved to dig into animations. I’ve started with Ray Wenderlich’s Animations by Tutorials, and I’ll graduate to the Apple documentation when I need to do specific things.

Reactive Programming

Throughout Moodsmitten, I set up the collection and tableviews with a refresh() method. If I forgot to call refresh(), then the user wasn’t going to see up-to-date data. If Moodsmitten was a more complicated app, this would be a mess!

Reactive programming using RxSwift and RxCocoa could have solved this problem. First, you make the properties that you want to watch as observables and subscribing to these observables in one place. When a change is made, the UI updates without having to worry about putting a refresh() call everywhere. I’ll make sure to use reactive programming in my next projects.

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