100 Days of Code Day 4 - Brainstorming The Next App and Refactoring Moodsmitten


Hello, folks. Hope you had a productive day today, whether it was coding or whatever. Today didn’t have a lot of coding, but it did have planning.

The Next App

With LashViewer out, I’m trying to throw ideas around without judgement and see what sticks. So far, I’m tempted to get into learning about how to make 2D games, but who knows. I’d need to research into what it takes, probably by reading a Ray Wenderlich guide or something.

Refactoring Moodsmitten

Moodsmitten needs some love in terms of code organization. For example, I have many functions that format and sanitize dates. I’m taking them out of the code and putting them into my own library.

In development (way before beta), I had a few funny bugs where I would be saving multiples of the same day in the database, which resulted in a really weird line graph. I couldn’t figure it out for a minute, until I realized that I kept calling NSDate and getting values that were seconds apart. In order to remedy this, I convert the date into a string and then back to a date. Might not be the best solution, but it’s worked pretty well.

In addition, I’m taking the lessons I’m learning in the Advanced Swift book and actively finding ways to apply it to my code.

Bringing New Features to Moodsmitten

I’m considering adding a few features to Moodsmitten. I’m assessing the pros and cons of development time vs. learning experience:

  • Today Widget (To rate mood and start a new thought record)
  • A very simple Apple Watch app (to rate mood)
  • force touch (however, I don’t have force touch on my iPhone)

It might be a better idea to let Moodsmitten simmer for a bit before I put out my major 1.1 update. It’s stable and does the job well, so there’s no need to rush things.

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